As a professional manufacturer of polyvinyl alcohol PVA and with years of exportation experience, we are fully knowledgeable of the product property and can handle the product delivery skillfully and smoothly.
Flexible Payment Terms
Expert for accepting normal payment terms like T/T in advance, L/C at sight or D/P at sight, our company can also consider such payment terms as deferred L/C and even Open Account (which means our customer can pay us certain days after the B/L date). O/A payment term is a big risk for us so we will verify our customer's credit standing before confirming this payment term, but once you pass our verification, we will do O/A with you.
Competitive Price Best Quality
Aiming at providing our customers with products of the most competitive price as well as the best quality, our whole team work very hard, trying every effort to lower ourcost and improve our quality. After years of product research, we may not provide the best price, but we do achieve the best quality.
Best Service
A. In time delivery: we can deliver the products to our customers within 21 days after getting firm order from them.
B. Wide forwarder cooperation: we keep a good relationship with forwarders at every region of China to make sure every batch of our product is safely and intactly delevered.
Worldwide Business Scope
Our business covers almost every part of the world, so wherever you come from, we know the rules of your customs and will make sure you have no problem with your customs clearance.
Third-party Inspection
For some customers who need third party inspection such as SGS to do customs clearance or to confirm product quality, we are warmly welcome and willing to cooperate with you for every step of the inspection.
After Sale Service
To improve and optimize our service and product quality, we will do a customer satisfaction survey for you after you get and use our product. If you have any doubts or complaints or praises on our service and product, you can feel free to tell us. We will try our best to do better.